Class Project 2025 Volunteer Opportunities
Class Project Steering Committee composed of parents that operate autonomously but are supported by the Wilton Youth Council. The Class Project Steering Committee determines what emphasis we wish to place on educational, community and/or social activities. Usually includes Chair(s), Treasurer, Webmaster, Class Communicator, and Spiritwear Leads along with WYC Class Project Chairperson. Please consider joining one of the open roles on the steering committee or volunteering to lead a Sub-Committee!
Co-Chairs - Kiki Cross & OPEN ROLE
Treasurers - Heidi Cocca & Meghan DeMasi
Communications - Evelyn Drew
Subcommittees - WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Fundraising Event Committee
Service Project Committee
PGP Event Committee
Please email to join the mailing list or to get involved!